Greetings from Rev. Greg Sabetta

Early church reformer John Calvin said that we’re all ministers and the pastor’s function is to restore God’s people to ministry. Sunday morning is a sacred space where the scriptures, our prayers, our hymns remind us who we are, whose we are, and call us to practice “getting it right.” Church is the place where we treat each other better than we’re treated anywhere else. The Lord’s Table is one of thanksgiving where we are nourished for the task of taking Sunday morning out into the world. In his last days, Jesus told his followers, “I give you a new commandment: Love one another as I have loved you.” Nowhere else in the Christian Scriptures are we commanded to do anything. We are, of course, called to follow Christ’s loving example, but we are commanded to love one another, which is not always easy to do. And that’s where we come together to hear the Word, to gather at the Table, to love one another–and ourselves–more and more so that, when we go into our week, we are strengthened to be a force for good, and to be God’s hands of compassion and healing in our community and in our world. Together we can continue to do great things!
Moments from the Celebration of our Mutual Ministry
October 15, 2023

Worship Leaders

Cantor Friedman and the Emanuel Congregation High Holy Day Choir

Double blessings from Cantor Shelly and Pastor Greg